
The leveling system is a feature used for the economy system in Omegabuild. The plugin is written by SpicyCombo, and as said in the name, you are to level up when you reach the sufficient amount of omegas soon as you type the command /Level up.

At each level, you are to receive perks that will affect your usage of /claim and /dailybonus. The multiplier of your earnings in many minigames and events will be raised, and the max bet you may have in Casino Games are also raised. You may check what perks are available to you using /level perks [level] at anytime.

To see your own level, you may type /level. To see the level of others, type /level [player name]. The command will show the amount of omegas needed to level up, and the amount of omegas that you or the other player has.

If you are a staff member, and you hold the rank enough as said in /help level, you may use /level set [player] [level] to change another player's level. Upon doing so, it will also notify the player by /Inbox if they are offline, or by directly displaying a message to them.
